Profit from our unique database of local contacts
Furnished apartments
Moving into a furnished apartment allows you to practically bring your bags and move in. Fully equipped and furnished, offering the conveniences of start living and working in Germany with ease.
Over the last 20 years OptiMission Consulting has been developing a local database for furnished apartments in our area. For clients on short-term assignment or when the suitable apartment or house is identified but not ready to move in, our experts help to find a suitable furnished accommodation. Kindly note that the selection of furnished apartments is usually done as part of a relocation package. In contrast to competitors, we are not acting as accommodation exchange or booking platform and we are not working on provision. Therefore, we are in a position to provide objective advice on different offers.
The OptiMission Furnished Apartment Services includes
- A close coordination with the client as to his preferences regarding the furnishing, commuting times, hobbies and other personal or family needs
- Assistance in booking the selected apartment
- Guidance and assistance related to the apartment inspection upon move-in and move-out.
This ensures that the inventory is a true reflection of the condition of the property and that all parties agree and sign the inspection check list, thus removing the risk of disputes on damages and safe return of deposits.